Lacy Cabinet was made for a cozy family room from Sycamore with cherry accents. The Lacy pattern in the wood is the result of quartersawing the log so the annual growth rings are perpendicular to the face of the board. DIMENSIONS: 18”d x 39” w. x 22” h. Detail Shots
Silver Chest I
This delicate chest of drawers for the dining room uses a minimal amount of space and has a light and airy stance. The subtle upward sweeping curves and composition of the top add quiet interest to this un-mistakably hand made piece. DIMENSIONS: 34″h. x 38″w. x 19″ d. Detail Shot
Silver Chest II
A second edition of Silver Chest I. I enjoy the opportunity to revisit the design and process of pieces I have made. Often I will make subtle changes to tweak a design and give it a different personality. DIMENSIONS: 35” h. x 36”w. x 18”d.
Music Stand
I made the original stand for a tall young woman who played the viola. I felt the design was a good sculptural form so I have repeated it for other players varying the height to suit. DIMENSIONS: 52″h x 26″w x 24 ‘d. Available for Purchase Contact Ted to Purchase